2nd Peter 1:2-3” May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence”
There is nothing more fathomable than perfect knowledge. To know is the security of existence and the flavor of life. To know the reason for existence is the pursuit of every human being and when this knowledge is known and apprehended, such a joy fills one’s soul.
There is something that God knows; he is the all knowing God and he perfectly knows that he created the whole universe. God knows that he created you in his image and likeness and having been convinced he is settled in that knowledge and he looked at humanity and saw that man is very Good.(Gen 1:27)
Grace and peace is now multiplied in us through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord. Grace the divine influence of God and the peace that is derived from The God of grace is multiplied in us through the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God (Epignosis) multiplies his influence I us. That is what we call grace an unmerited favor experienced in us through his divine knowledge of us. God knows that he has created us in his own image and is convinced of that. He knows that he gave up his only son for you and is convinced of that.
All the knowledge that is in God is vested in Jesus and in Jesus we have been made complete in God, Col 2:9.
It’s from Christ that we take our origin from God.
1st Cor 1:30 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption,
It’s because of God that we are in Christ Jesus who for us is the perfection of God. The evidence of how righteous sanctified and redeemed we are in him.
If you think that you know yourself; if you have defined yourself any way less than How God has defined you, then you are missing out on the knowledge God has of you.
God knows that he has given up Christ for your redemption , sanctification redemption and holiness. If you think of yourself as a heap of corruption and a mass of unworthiness, then here comes good news. God knows you differently. God knows you to be in Christ Jesus. Your believe and faith that comes from the communication of the gospel attests to this.
His knowledge now becomes your knowledge; according to his divine power he has given you all things that pertain to Godliness and life through now your knowledge of him who has called you by his glory and goodness.
His knowledge now is your knowledge. God knows that he is your father and by you knowing this, grace and peace is multiplied in your life. God knows that you are the righteousness created in Christ Jesus. God knows you as a master plan of his created unto good works and your knowledge of this makes you realize that you have everything that pertains to Godliness and life.
If you think that you have to remind God of your sins and how bad you are, then realize that God has a higher knowledge, his says are higher than your ways and his thoughts higher than your thoughts.
God wants you to operate by his thoughts, his desires his ways. The knowledge of all these is Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth (reality) and the life. God wants you to be Christ conscious and to be cross conscious or in the cross the wisdom and the strength of God is displayed.
God wants you to operate in his knowledge and then his knowledge becomes your knowledge. His thoughts becomes your thoughts
If you have been raised with Christ therefore engage your thoughts in throne room realities Col 3:1. In other words set your affections on the things above from where your definition comes from.
You are in this world but you are not of it. You cannot afford to define yourself by what you know with your peanut brain (carnal mind) your carnal mind gets blown off and perplexed by heavenly realities that are why you have the mind of Christ to comprehend the thoughts and the authentic knowledge of God, of his wonderful sum of thoughts towards you, you can behold him in righteousness.