Thursday, 27 February 2014

Living consequently

God is in the mission of love and consequently we are living in it. We are called to live after the image and the likeness of the creator. There is a Swahili saying that says ,’mtoto wa nyoka ni nyoka’ the offspring of a snake is a snake. The point here is not trying to invoke that we are God and actually the scripture is brave enough to refer to the children of God as gods but to infer that we are taking after our father because we are his offspring.

The inheritance of a son is to live by his fathers 
resources. The elder brother didn’t know that all that belonged to his father also belonged to him and consequently lived as though he was a mere servant rather than a son.

Acts 17:28 'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.

 Paul enters Athens and immediately notices the religious inclinations of its inhabitants. As a popular evangelist, many of us will prefer that he lashes out his King James bible (which was not in existence at the time) or a copy of the scroll and mete out Gods word in rage and anger towards these Godless pagans. But on the contrary Paul invokes the words of their finest Poem, That in him we live , we move and have our being and we are his offspring.

I am thinking that Paul should introduce our real God and install him as God among these pagans but Paul’s understanding of the gospel concludes that man is not a stranger before God. If man exists it’s only because of God. All human expressions and expectations derive  the truth that we are from God. We have been created in his own image and likeness.

This means that God is the infinite standard of our being and we take from Him as a consequence of him preceding us and designing the design of our frame. Living consequently therefore is living after the image of our creator our true frame being designed in true Holiness

,,, and put on the new self, created to be like in true righteous and Holiness (Eph 4:24)

There is something in us that resonates with pin point accuracy the nature of our maker. The ability for man to love and respond to God is God given. Gods Grace is flaming in us .The ability of man to love a fellow man is God given and infact when God is demonstrating his love to humanity as we see in Christ , he speaks of this love as that of a friend who lays it aside for another friend.

When Isaiah the prophet speaks to the lost nation of Israel, He refers them back to the rock to which they were hewn.

Isaiah 51: 1 Listen to me you people who pursue righteousness and who seek the Lord ; look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn.

This speaks of something exponential, that the material that made us is the rock. We were cut from the rock and consequently we are from the rock and the only rock we know is Christ. This means that we are one with the material that made us. That’s why we are told that Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers (Heb 2:11-12) both he who makes men holy and them who are being made Holy are all of one, that is very significant and important for us to know. We are as a consequent of another person. The life we have is as a consequent of the life of God manifested in Christ Jesus.

This is what I meant by this post Living consequently. We are living as a consequent of another persons action. We live because God lives, we move because God moves. And in this administration God desires that we partake in his divine nature in this pattern. God wants us to live by him, through him and in him in his unforced rhythms of grace where his life pours to ours and ours pours to him. Let him teach you to live consequently of him

Saturday, 15 February 2014

The beloved

As we get into the valentine season, much is being said about love flowing in the air. In the streets of Nairobi Kenya and in the sphere of the youth, much excitement and expectation is flowing in the year. While this is going on I just landed on my journal which I scribbled like four years ago. It’s about the beloved as described in The book of song of Solomon which is in arguably the book of romance in the Bible.

This dramatic love story is enshrined in the antics of the greatest soap opera icon to have ever Lived, King Solomon. We know this off course because he had the innate ability to entertain Seven Hundred Wives and Three Hundred concubines. We may think of This king as the greatest Immoral being to have ever appeared on the face of the earth but am taken aback by the potential he had of flowing out love and passion to all her beloveds but off course after its all said and done, his adventures were deemed as vanity of vanities.

Away from scrutiny, the book of Song of Songs records conversations full of love between the lover and the beloved and occasionally we see third party factors attesting to the love that flows between the two, pretty much like the love story that God initiates with us until the whole world testifies of it.

The beloved unleashes her love and passion towards her lover in the beginning of the book.

Song of Songs 1:2-4Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine;
    your anointing oils are fragrant;
your name is oil poured out;
    therefore virgins love you.
Draw me after you; let us run.
    The king has brought me into his chambers.

The conversations continue through out the chapters. As we are going to find out, the bliss of this aura of love is not so much endowed in the beloved expressing her love to his lover but it’s about the Lover and how he unleashes tones of love that captivates and changes the whole world surrounding the beloved. The beloved is captivated by her lover and she lets into the motions of love. This is a type of the bride, the church who, you who is the bride of Christ. If we can love is because God has loved us first and therefore the rule of first love is in motion. Love is the biggest force of all times, it’s innate and wired in us because we have been created in the image and the likeness of God.

When we look into the face of Christ and see his glory in the face of God, we are drawn into his chambers. The kind of love makes us new and glorious. The beloved confesses that though she is dark, she is still lovely.

I am very dark, but lovely,
    O daughters of Jerusalem,
like the tents of Kedar,
    like the curtains of Solomon.vs 5

When the earth was created it was dark and void and without form. The darkness here represents the void and formlessness that only one lover can fulfill. She is dark so that all the brilliance comes from her lover alone. We know that our sufficiency does nt come from us but solely on Christ. And so the exchange continues in an endless run of lovable rhymes. We see this love finding its completion in Christ.

He is the love of our life and the king who has drawn us into his chambers. He has serenaded us and we are captivated in his love. Let us see the blistering centre where love springs from the heart of God. Its in this centre that human life finds meaning and completion. Souls are stilled and hearts abandoned in our one and only love

Monday, 3 February 2014

worry not

in the cool of the night
His love in you Holds
In the silence where future is unknown,
even the crickets in the thickets
are assured of this
as sure as the night endures
Daylight will come and steal the night away.

and such a hope is ours friends,
The year is up and rolling
And as the steam of the will
and the comfu of the intellect
meets all that life demands
Know that you operate in his love

Lest you get tired and wearied
wondering where has my resolutions brought me
Dont you know what they said
that you re blessed coming in, blessed going out
therefore don't stress yourself over life
what you will accomplish
what you have not, have have not

isn't life more valuable than possessions?,
How quickly you forget the ways of a child?
worrying about nothing, because papa has it all fixed
How about a momentary gaze at the birds
to realize that we are more of worth
than the creatures which toil not
 Christ in us and Christ in us.
that's How things roll, on this effortless side

Hope for the tree that has been cut down.

  Job.14.7 "If a tree is cut down, there is hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches. (NLT Job.14.8 Though its roots have g...