Wednesday, 24 June 2015

exploits from Uganda

on 8th of June 2015, some four young men set out on a trip to Kampala Uganda. We initially had thought that the said destination of our mission trip was going to be some couple of kilometers from Kampala but little did we know that our journey would lead us to the far end of Uganda near the Tanzania border.

After roughly 24hours of being in the road we finally arrived at Rakai district a 200km drive from the city of exhausted. As usual we were tired and so our hosts entreated us to rest only after we were served with a sumptuous meal of matoke with chicken stew.

 photo taken with the team of our hosts

The theme of our meetings was ‘Power Purpose and plenty with the aim of unveiling people to their God given destiny , revealing God and his power to make us complete and successful in life. We also were unlocking our potential in discovering our identity in Christ and the abundant life God has designed for each and everyone of us.

Our sessions included seminars during the day and revival meetings at night .

People in Uganda are so friendly and receptive and so our experience was life changing for all of us. It was amazing how all sorts of people , young and old responded to the gospel. It was also amazing how the delegates from 14 churches worked in unison and agreed to open up their areas for more missionary activities, fellowships , etc

 Our special thanks goes to all made this mission a success.
We thank God for connecting us with many friends in Uganda and surely we will be back for more complete programs like a bible school, children’s ministry among many other ventures.

We also experienced many miracles signs and wonders, even the blind recovering their sight, the lame leaving their stretchers and walking again. It was an experience that cannot be confined in the words of pen and paper.


Leading a group of delegates in a period of celebration, as we approached the climax of the meetings.

Special mention goes to pastor Geoffrey and the glory of Christ ministries who allowed us to visit three of their churches in dwanirro sub county during our period there. I personally cant forget the kesha we held on Friday night as we saw multiple of young people give their lives to Christ, for sure there’s a great need for discipleship and I savor the opportunity to visit again and embark on that mission .


Ugandan dance versus Kenyan dance

We thank God for the many gifting that were manifested during our time there. Ugandans are very talented in music and dance and especially percussion instruments


Kids Ministry

Hope for the tree that has been cut down.

  Job.14.7 "If a tree is cut down, there is hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches. (NLT Job.14.8 Though its roots have g...