Sunday, 4 September 2016

August : Times of Refreshing

Thanksgiving and Pray for
Ø  Successful Yfci Training(Youth For Christ International)
Ø  Successful High school ministry
Ø  Mama Tunza  Children’s Home in Kibiko Ngong (They need supplies, Scholarship for 18 of their 42 kids yet to be sponsored)
Ø  Impending Ministry: Operation Moved By Love Zambia coming up in October.

Another Month unfolds and wow, how time flies! Just the other day we welcomed with open arms the year 2016 and now we are in the final quarter. It’s my prayer that you are well kept and that you are giving life the shot it deserves. God has one agenda for you and humanity; to enjoy him and derive life out of him each and every day. (John10:10)
August has been my month of getting equipped more than going out. We all need to fill our cups one time or another. We need energy and the comfu to take life head on and fulfill God’s agenda for our life.

YFCI Training (7-21st August)



The Youth for Christ Africa Training team had planned training for Youth for Christ staff and volunteers.
My role as Youth for Christ alumni and volunteer saw me being privileged to be one of those who took part in the training.
It was a retreat packed with life defining moments for me as I got to grasp important ministry tools and truths that I believe God is going to use to take Kenya youth for Christ and myself to the next level. Many are the times we are caught in motions, playing church, playing religion but really what is ministry? What is in the heart of God towards ministry?
2nd Cor 5:18“all This comes from God who has reconciled us to himself through the Messiah and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” ISV
We were taught many things but one thing that stood out for me is the hearts of God towards people in this case the young people. God is yearning to reach out to people and to lavish them with his love.
This reality resonates in me as I remember the underlying point that E.J our facilitator pointed out. “The fatherhood of God is the root of ministry.” This reality resonates in the way the father reached out to the prodigal son in Luke 15. 

It was wonderful connecting with fellow ministry partners and workers from Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Burundi, Tanzania Liberia and South Africa

Fellowship over a meal


Session in progress
Prayer is as necessary as breathing: Powerful session by Ann

Enjoying a session


Mama Tunza Home / Lords House of Hope Aug 22nd-23rd
These are two Homes/orphanages that Moved by Love Foundation has chosen to adopt and just love on the kids and the social and children workers there in all the ways we can.
It was a joy for Mike and me to round one round in these homes just to check on our little friends, find out how they are doing as well as encourage them


My heart is full of gratitude for every opportunity that has presented itself for me to serve God. Your prayers and support go a long way to reach out and impact people all over the world beginning with our Jerusalem here in Kenya. Hope you will be blessed and be motivated to be part of this great vision. Blessings

In Him
Kevin Gitonga
Kenya YOUTH FOR Christ
Moved By Love Foundation
Kainos Creation International

Operation Moved By Love Zambia October 10th- 30th 201

I remember in mid 2010 after six years of active ministry I had called it quits to embark on my career in computing and accounts. Between July and September that decision had to be radically changed as God impressed in my heart to follow him and serve him always; otherwise being called into full time ministry.
It’s now turning six years since that defining moment came my way and indeed I have never looked back.
I thank God for he has expanded my ministry and for two years now I have been doing ministry in South west Uganda through the faith ministries Network and now this coming October a an opportunity has come for me to venture into Zambia ; A country which has a special place in my heart.
My friendship with Pastor Victor Tembo for four years now has led us to foresee an opportunity to work together.
We will be conducting Training for Church workers as well as doing Open conferences and crusades in the Copper belt region of Zambia, i.e. Kitwe and Lumwana. This will take around 20 days. You may kindly see the Budget I have below for a single person. I hope to go with a team of three people during the period. I invite you to be part of this great venture by your incessant prayers and financial support as God leads you.
You can give your support through these means. 

Cell.. +254723433352 
Coop bank. Moi avenue branch. 
Accname :Kevin G Ncacu acu
Acc no : 01108122675400 

In Him Kevin Gitonga.

Cost ksh)
Replacement of lost passport
Yellow fever book
Yellow fever injection plus book

-Nairobi to Darelsalam
-Darel salaam to Lusaka
Transport within Zambia
At Darel salaam before connecting buses
;Teaching aids etc
Grand totals


Hope for the tree that has been cut down.

  Job.14.7 "If a tree is cut down, there is hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches. (NLT Job.14.8 Though its roots have g...