Thursday, 27 October 2016

A new thing Breaks forth !

Have you ever yearned for a fresh new experience in life? Have you ever itched with ever present readiness to break out of your normal routine and embrace the fresh new experience in life? That was me in the month of September. So far I can reckon that God has been faithful in granting me this desire. A new thing breaks forth!

September 2016

 Time for new experience, Fresh adventure! Sometimes you have to break out of the norm, that has been the conviction in me. After a successful youth for Christ training in August , I felt charged and ready for a new experience in Ministry and so with the help f my friend Pastor Ben , I moved to Tenwek in Bomet county some 230 km south west of Nakuru which is in the south rift region (Not very far from Masai Mara ! I had to point that one out)

Settling in a new Town in a different culture is not easy. I moved into this new area by faith. Its not that I had been posted by an organization or something but just took a simple step of faith knowing that this area is rife with opportunities, both for ministry, business and some part time job here and there/ It s a bold step but as I write this , things are piecing up nicely.

Lords House of Hope snack party

September 17th: we were scheduled to have a snack party for the kids at the Lords house of Hope in Dagorreti Nairobi. This means that I had to board a matatu (Public transport in Kenya) all the way to Nairobi to take charge of this event. What a day it was! We did team building, sports and snacking. The climax of it all was the brief twenty minutes at the end where Mike and I had prepared a sermonete entitled “Don’t go back to the pigs” (Luke 15) based on the story of the prodigal son .

We did it differently this time. A new thing breaks forth Indeed!


Snack party was fun! Little things done with a big heart goes a long way!






We were able to visit Mama Tunza Home to check on our little Bothers and sisters and to bring them greetings from Henry and Kim in Canada


October 2016
I have done a month already in Tenwek! What an adventure. I came here suffering from a re infection of Brucellosis and strange type of Amoeba.

Before 2016 came, I had visited the hospital only twice or thrice for the last ten years. This year had not been so kind to me on matters health. For I had done four trips in and out of hospital since March.

I thank God for the world class health facility here in Tenwek (Tenwek Hospital) we finally nailed it and slowly and steadily am getting back to my full health.


 At the waiting bay n the Hospital

Litein Boys High school/ kiptewit girls high school/ Sacred Hills girls

It was a mission organized by Pastor Ben a colleague of mine at he Moved by Love foundation. It was a great outing on Sunday as we engaged the boys on a talk of Music, the modern trends and the fascination the young people have with celebrities.


Later in the afternoon we reached out to the girls at kiptewit girls high school and sacred hills girls school in the nearby town and engaged them in some straight talk on matters sexuality, premarital sex and self esteem issues, In Kenya such talks are important especially when the kids are about to go home for their long holidays where they are exposed to these vices out there.

We can’t seem to forget our little brothers and sisters from Mama Tunza

and Lords House of Hope home. We plan to visit and give the candidates success cards as hey prepare to sit for their national primary schools exams. It’s a wonder to behold what God is doing in their lives as some of them came to these homes dejected and malnourished but now have grown exponentially and are now due for their biggest exams ever. We pray that the same God who began a good work in them will continue perfecting his good purpose in them.


I covet your prayers as I enter November. Ministry in Zambia excites me and challenges me in an equal breadth. How I covet your prayers as I mobilize a team of four for this great outing.

Pray that God will continue to furnish us with the resources we need to carry out this great task.

I pray for a new thing to break forth in your life wherever you are as God envelops and embraces you in his grace.

Monday, 3 October 2016

No More Dry Bones.

Ezekiel 37:3-5 :And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou know est.
 4  Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
 5  Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:
The human spirit is fervent and has special Capacity to navigate through impossible situation. Everyday we hear stories of travail and triumph how many people have endured impossible diseases, trust, grief, etc and come out victorious.
For those who are Christians many have testified how God has taken them through tough times and can owe it to God for turning around their tough times to work for their good. Am speaking this from the awareness of how human suffering can drain one physical, emotional and spiritual.

Can these bones live again?

This is the groaning from someone in an impossible situation. The spirit of the Lord leads prophet Ezekiel to a valley of dry bones, a type of who the nation of Israel were.. Once a powerful nation with fortified city, a nation which prided itself in Its God. Wasn't this a nation whose God made them so triumphant against its enemies and whose cities lie in ruins and people carried as captives to a foreign land?
Its in this Hollow space of desperation that God almighty erupts with this simple query "can these bones live again?" The prophet must be like you are kidding God, right? How do you except such a mass of death to gather up and live again?

what is that impossible situation that marauds around you today? Do you have even words to describe the tears and the desperation that threatens to eat into the very life in you? Are you drenched in worry ? How about hearkening to the voice of him who calls the weary to draw to him? "Come to me all yee who are heavy laden and wearied and i will give you rest?"

if God of all the universe descends on that situation and asks you if your story can change what will your answer be?

Prophecy to these Dry Bones

ooh dry bones hear the word of God : The grace of God gives us power to maneuver through tough situations, for the children of Israel it was to maneuver through a wanton destruction of the state . The capture of the cities of Jerusalem and Judah left a once powerful state with nothing to boast of .

No matter what you face in life or what life throws at you , you can still Burst  forth with exuberant hope'
 when God storms in your daily affairs, struggles and hassles , everything gets caught up in him like a whirlwind.

let the dry bones live . God is causing his breath of life to enliven in you. You can rise up, wipe those tears . Like the children of Israel . You shall live and not die. Those who taste of christ surely find life.Those who are in Christ have crossed over from death to life, from hopelessness to hope, from despair to a hope that anchors within the veil, that is steadfast and unmoved (Heb6:18)

May you find Hope and peace and rest in christ alone. In him you have no more dry bones moment for he sustains you with his long life .

No More Dry Bones.

Ezekiel 37:3-5 :And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou know est.
 4  Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
 5  Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:
The human spirit is fervent and has special Capacity to navigate through impossible situation. Everyday we hear stories of travail and triumph how many people have endured impossible diseases, trust, grief, etc and come out victorious.
For those who are Christians many have testified how God has taken them through tough times and can owe it to God for turning around their tough times to work for their God. Am speaking this from the awareness of how human suffering can drain one physical, emotional and spiritual.

Can these bones live again?

This is the groaning from someone in an impossible situation. The spirit of the Lord leads prophet Ezekiel to a valley of dry bones, a type of who the nation of Israel were.. Once a powerful nation with fortified city, a nation which prided itself in Its God. Wasn't this a nation whose God made them so triumphant against its enemies and whose cities lie in ruins and people carried as captives to a foreign land?
Its in this Hollow space of desperation that God almighty erupts with this simple query "can these bones live again?" The prophet must be like you are kidding God, right? How do you except such a mass of death to gather up and live again?

what is that impossible situation that marauds around you today? Do you have even words to describe the tears and the desperation that threatens to eat into the very life in you? Are you drenched in worry ? How about hearkening to the voice of him who calls the weary to draw to him? "Come to me all yee who are heavy laden and wearied and i will give you rest?"

if God of all the universe descends on that situation and asks you if your story can change what will your answer be?

Prophecy to these Dry Bones

ooh dry bones hear the word of God : The grace of God gives us power to maneuver through tough situations, for the children of Israel it was to maneuver through a wanton destruction of the state . The capture of the cities of Jerusalem and Judah left a once powerful state with nothing to boast of .

No matter what you face in life or what life throws at you , you can still Burst  forth with exuberant hope'
 when God storms in your daily affairs, struggles and hassles , everything gets caught up in him like a whirlwind.

let the dry bones live . God is causing his breath of life to enliven in you. You can rise up, wipe those tears . Like the children of Israel . You shall live and not die. Those who taste of christ surely find life.Those who are in Christ have crossed over from death to life, from hopelessness to hope, from despair to a hope that anchors within the veil, that is steadfast and unmoved (Heb6:18)

May you find Hope and peace and rest in christ alone. In him you have no more dry bones moment for he sustains you with his long life .

Hope for the tree that has been cut down.

  Job.14.7 "If a tree is cut down, there is hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches. (NLT Job.14.8 Though its roots have g...