This is what Paul was determined about,to know and to be identified with and he plunged his life wholesomely to proclaim the gospel. Paul was determined to be cross conscious ad he reiterates this else where he says that he is not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation.(rom 1:16-17)
Paul elsewhere says that all he has known throughout his life he considers as dung for the sake of knowing Christ.philippians 3:7
God wants you to be cross conscious. He wants you to be aware of the cross and what Christ has accomplished for you.
Christ wants you to know that though his cross you may have eternal life which is knowing God and knowing Christ. He wants you to know that by looking into the cross and seeing the glory of Christ in the face of God, you are daily transformed.
Like Paul today purpose to no nothing other than Christ and him crucified. When Christ is removed from the cross, we remain with a rudderless ,directionless christianity.
Christ crucified means a lot of things. It means you have been united with Christ, in death burial and resurrection .We are not in an uphill task of trying to be united with him. It means that now its no longer you who lives but Christ and the life that you live you live in the faith of the son of God (Gal 2:20). This means that Christ has taken over whole of your life if you are in him. The truth is that to be cross conscious means that you are aware that you are united with Christ forever. If you have been crucified with him , you are also living with him. What a wonderful truth to know, that you and I are forever united with Christ and this is what God has chosen for us in Christ Jesus. You may know choose to know nothing other than what God has chosen for you in Christ Jesus.