i am writing my first Blog and am exited . I am ecstatic and upbeat and i know that God has a mega plan for humanity.
God's mission for humanity is Love . Love is who God is and love is the theme of God. Love is God and everything that he makes testifies of who he is Love.I am currently in the process of writing my first book and i have chosen the title to be 'God's mission of love'.
Allow me to give a brief introduction of this book before i post the details of how to get the book once its fully published.
Before the world was created God was love. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. All his divine attributes love being one of them existed in their extent before creation. He created the heavens and the earth to the display of his splendor one of his attributes one which is his love. He created man to display savor and image this love. After man fell by disobeying God in the Garden of Eden, he orchestrated on a plan of salvation. I see through the events of the bible a sparkling glory of our almighty God. This time not in the awesome works of his hands though glorious are they in the measure of the fullness of God but his glory sparkles in his ideal love and how far he has gone to display this love to man. It’s through his love that man has found everlasting life in him.
It’s through his love that I have been found in him. God‘s love has opened me up to this amazing realm of reality which God had for me even before I was born. The love of God has made me to be the person I am today. It has made me realize who I am- The child of God, a son and hence a heir to the kingdom.
This book explores on this great God of love and how he has valued you and me by sending his own son to die so that you can enjoy and manifest this love forever. It’s a book that will illuminate in your spirit God’s passion for you as his child and how everyday he is burning with passion for you. You will learn that you are most valued in God. I trust that this book will open your inner eyes to comprehend the beauty of God and the wonders of his son and the treasure that is yours in Christ Jesus.
This is a book that seeks to exalt Jesus and his finished work at the cross. We will find out that all that God had planned for humanity is made manifest by the sacrifice Jesus made for us at the cross. The cross is the central and the singular source of life for humanity. It’s the display of the person of Jesus in the greatest demonstration of love in reconciling us back to God.
This is a book that seeks to undo the fallacy that has been preached and exalted over past years and it brings the beauty of Christ who gave up himself so that we may have the best of heaven . the fallacy as I have indicated is he proclamation of the gospel that does not adhere to, spring from and derive power from the finished work of the cross and the amazing things accomplished by Jesus Christ for us. Paul Apostle was keen to point this out and emphasized that no one even an angel should proclaim any other gospel (Gal 1:8-9)
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