Thursday, 31 May 2012

the origin: part 2

The origin
Part 2

James 1:18” Having made his decision, he gave birth to us through a Word that can be relied upon, in order that we should be a kind of first fruits of that entire he created.” Complete Jewish bible
In order to ascertain our origin as we have learn t we must go back to the definition that was ours way before Adam. We sprung out of the authentic word of God, the logos of God, the logic of God which is the essence of the being Of God.
Eph 1:4-5” in the Messiah he chose us in love before the creation of the universe to be holy and without defect in his presence. 5 He determined in advance that through Yeshua the Messiah we would be his sons - in keeping with his pleasure and purpose”(CJB)

When we are opened to the definition that God Gives us in Christ then we will be able to appreciate the beauty of redemption and we will truly understand that we have the nature of Christ in us.
God was redeeming what belongs to him. Contrary to the views of some scholars who would like to say that God was paying Satan some dues because of sin by the sacrifice of Jesus, it has become very apparent that the thief never takes ownership no matter what he steals.

The thief comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus has come to give us life and in abundance. The act of redemption was the most holy thing that God would do. For God so loved the world that he gave,,,, He gave a son to a people who were worth the son. No one would redeem something that has no value.

What is the value of mankind? Mankind is valued the life of God. The breath of God that he breathed in Adam. Mankind was created to resonate the life of God within him.

The psalmist declares Bless the Lord ooh my soul and with all that is within me bless his holy name. All that is within mankind is God and his fullness.

From his fullness have we received grace upon grace.
Col 2:9-10 For in him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that God is.  10 And it is in union with him that you have been made full - he is the head of every rule and authority.  (CJB)

All that is within mankind is the fullness of God which is unveiled by the glad news(news is information of something that has already happened. A believer is not somebody who believed and then God started creating in him a new spirit. We believe because it happened. God’s dream becomes true in us.
The highest definition of a romantic relationship is sharing in image and likeness. We behold him as in a mirror and we are transformed into the mage in the mirror which is the glory of God which origin is in God. We are unveiled into our nature which God had created in us n Christ before the creation of the world.

Come and let us enjoy the definition given s by the father; for the father dreams and prepares beforehand the destiny of his children. You and I were born in God. Such a treasure we have in this earthen vessel to show the surpassing greatness of God and not of us.
Its time to get mesmerized with what we carry in this earthen vessel, God himself. Lets sing that song that goes

Celebrate the Lord with me
Let us praise his name together
Magnify the Lord with me
Let us praise his name together.

Friday, 25 May 2012

the origin; part 1

The origin: part 1

The revelation of the divine logic of God is unveiled by his introduction in the scriptures; In the beginning God.
He is not explained or defined but he is introduced as the perfect I am. God is the prerogative of definition for a lack of a better explanation. All the attempt of defining God by Human being has proven futile. His origin and Genesis is too much profound to be confined in pages of writing.
Our God is our father and is transcendent over the works of creation. He exists apart from creation, away from time. It’s an honor that he enters into time and reveals his unveiled logic to us for our bliss and for our captivation.
The bliss that is ours though is that we began in god.
1st peter 1:3”blessed be God the father and our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his mercy has begotten us into a new and living hope.”
Apostle Peter unveils the logic through the revelation of the spirit for our bliss. It’s an introduction that resembles the one in Genesis where God breaths his ruwach  (wind, spirit), his life in Adam and Adam became a living soul and he became the father of human race bearing the image and the likeness of God as the origin of the human race.
We were given birth by truth. God is truth. James 1:18 and he caused us to be birthed by truth Am talking about a definition that existed before Adam fr God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world. Eph 1:4.
Humanity is the harvest of God. When God created man he said he is very good. He did not say that when he created the heavens and the earth and the firmaments and the waters. He saw his harvest in his image and likeness in Man and he saw that harvest was very good.
Elsewhere the psalmist declares that the heavens cannot contain the glory of God but I want to declare to you that today there is one address that can contain his glory and that is not the heavens or the universe but human hearts. He calls us his own and our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus came to redeems back to God again. He came to reveal t us the integrity of the image and likeness of God in us which was stolen by the enemy. He came o redeem us back to our originator God himself.

The thief never takes ownership

The thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy. That is the only agenda the enemy the devil has. We know that a thief can never have ownership no matter what and how long he has stolen any property.
Its demonstrated right from the Garden of Eden, the enemies plot was too steal Adam and eve of their innocence, to kill anything in them that exhibits the life f God and to finally annihilate mankind from existence.
God is greater than Satan though as we see in the Garden of Eden the proclamation of the gospel which reveals the logic of God. When man fell in the garden f Eden contrary to what we have heard and believed; that God cased man out of the Garden of Eden did something. God saw something that belongs to him and orchestrated a plan of redeeming man back to himself.
The story of what happened after the fall is a story of grace and mercy.

The thief never takes ownership. The earth is Lord’s and its fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). The earth and all that’s in it belongs to God. The devil does not have credit has we have imputed in his account. The counterfeit is only there because of the reality which has been there from the beginning.
God saw what belonged to him and designed a plan of having it back and in the fullness of time Christ was manifested to redeem us back to God.

The harvest of sin and death;

The origin of sin and death was the disobedience of one man Adam. Rom 5:12-17
Rom 5:12when Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Nlt
One man single handedly caused us to inherit the nature of sin and death. Sin and death was the harvest that proceeded from Adam to all humanity.
The engine of sin is self-obsession rather than a desire to reject God as demonstrated in the garden.
Self-obsession creates mistrust and disbelief in the goodness of God. Gen 3.
Gen 3:5 "God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil."
The feeling that ignites the extra urge to do something more to become like God, move closer to God, make God more happy is no more than the lie that was evident in the garden of Eden.
Self-obsession creates fear in us which causes us to doubt the goodness of God. This in turn strips us of our identity and the confidence we have in God that he perfectly loves us. God has installed in us his being; his image and likeness. Religion tries to give you the prerogative of finding your own destiny by your own strength.
Many believers complain of not having enough faith, not being powerful enough, prayerful enough, not being committed to God enough, what is the bone of contention here? Its religion that has succeeded in making people focus on themselves rather than in God.
I believe the major reason is because they are not looking unto Jesus who is the author and the perfector of their faith. Many believers are not looking unto Jesus as they princely leader of their faith. Somewhere the faith that had its genesis with Christ has been replaced by self-effort and legalistic righteousness. What began as faith and reliance solely in the sufficiency of Christ climaxes with a list of to do’s. A relationship which is based on what you do we all know that it doesn’t last. If your relationship with Christ turns out be the one that is dependent on what you can do, how you can prove your allegiance, how you can pray more for God to hear you, then your joy and sufficiency in Christ has been severed completely. Its not about what you can do but on what he can do and does in you.
Many believers are therefore scavenging in the squabbles of self. Self-improvement program, self enhancement mechanism that by no means are connected to the sufficiency we have in Christ. Our churches are filled with activities that sorry to say so do not hold fast to the head. They are not drawing or adhering to the singularity of the cross of Christ.
What happened to the sufficiency that is ours in Christ? What happened to riches of the inheritance that is ours in Christ? If we are not drawing from the harvest of the cross we are drawing from another harvest. The harvest of sin and death which is empowered by the law.
It’s clear that self-obsession is no different than the natural principles of this world which is not a process to death but death. To seek to be justified by the law is to be alienated from Christ. Gal 5:4

God’s unveiled logic is that you may live by him as his harvest. God wants to live and operate in you and by you. God is your origin and he is the logic behind existence. He is the genius and the explanation of you and your existence. In Christ the logic of God is unveiled before our very own eyes.
Paul’s preaching always directed people to the sufficiency of Christ which is the singular claim of the gospel. In Christ is the manifold wisdom of God, In him is found that which was from the beginning; the word, the origin the genesis and we have him today. Christ in you the hope of glory

Tuesday, 22 May 2012



Gen 1:27 so God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

 The beauty of existence is in the beauty of being. Being alive, Being happy, being complete and being every other good thing that God created us to be.

God created us in his own image and likeness. God created us in his own being in other words. It’s not fair therefore to define mankind by what he does. Human beings are human beings and not human doings.

The core of existence of man is to be like God, in his own image and likeness. The truth lies that just like God is that is how we were created to be. To display his splendor and his being.

The integrity of being; image and likeness

Eph 1:4: For he chose us in him before the foundation to be holy and blameless

Perhaps we should go to the definition of man that goes before Adam. We have been for a long time been defined by a definition that is a derivative of the fall .

I have heard comments that man is just carnal sinful, evil; No matter what he does he can not reach perfection. We have lived in the crevices of Adam and we have been robbed of a perfect life, a breath taking recovery that is ours in Christ.

God created us to be like him. All his divine perfection is to be captured in us in a un interrupted display of life. For God chose us in Christ to be holy and blameless.

The integrity of image and likeness reveals everlasting innocence. The true identity of man lies in this; a realm of blamelessness and holiness. Just as God is Holy, he declares ye also shall be holy.

Adam lost that glory because of disobedience and he single handedly catapult humanity into a dungeon of sin. Jesus although restored us to the glory of God. Jesus restored us to the being of God. We are the holiness of God, the righteousness of God.

Col 2:9-10 For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, 10 and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.

For in Christ all the fullness of the God head dwells/ resides in totality and we are filled of it. From his fullness we have received grace upon grace.

This is all from God in whom is birthed the initiative, the passion and the foresight of reconciling the world to himself. 2nd cor 5:19

 We are the chosen, the ones who are his treasured possession. Is this only for Christians? Did Jesus die for Christians alone? I bet not, I bet the world does not consist of Christians who have separated themselves. The world is humanity and the fullness therein who all belong to God. Psalm 24:1

Man is not defined in doings but being

The same lie which the first couple succumbed to in the Garden of Eden is the same lie that prevails today. The lie as we know is that if Adam could do something then they would become like God knowing Good and evil. They partook of that tree and I bet you can tell what the results were till this present age.

The reality is that Adam and eve had the image and likeness of God without having the need to do one extra thing.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil tells us that we become like God by what we do. Have you been told that you will become holy when you pray enough? When you become devoted enough? And when you reach many other standards that are set before you?

It’s shocking that the thing that even made man to fall in the first instance is not a desire to do evil, to become disobedient, but a desire to become like God by doing something.

Why is this lie very devastative? It’s because it usurps who you are and who God is. It negates how God created you to be. God made us in his own image and likeness. To derive his being out of the abundance of our being in him, not by what we do.
The truth is that you are not a human doing but a human being. You are not what you do; rather who you are determines what you do.

You are not a sinner because you sinned rather you sin because you are a sinner. As a result of inheriting a being, people do what they do. The truth does ntot end there though; similarly because of Christ we are believers not because of what we do but because of who we are, new creation.

If therefore anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone and behold all has become new. 2nd cor 5:17

  Realize your being; Christ.

2nd cor 5:16-17From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Paul makes a fair calculation; not to regard any man according to the flesh. He does not say this to believers and that to the heathens out there. He makes this fair calculation; that all have been represented in Christ.

This gives a limelight to evangelism. Evangelism is preaching reconciliation That men are reconciled to God and this message is to be received by a glorious response by faith which is also the working of God to actively persuade us of his goodness.

The gospel is awakening, not new truth. Christianity is not another kind of life that people graduate with and become a wild people. This has been made so by religion which makes Christianity a doing thing and makes people abnormal and seem to be in a hurry to please a distant God.

Christianity is the simplicity of being. We inherit the new life in Christ and become anew creation. Our point of departure is being. Being in the likeness of God as revealed in Christ. The power to function and to do good works as a Christian is in your being.
Churches should have the abundance of teachings that tell people who they are rather than directing people to abundance of things to do.

Bask in your being in him for nothing shall separate you from the love of God. Nothing shall separate you from the revelation of his love, that defines you that reveals your being in him.
You are no longer the victims of doings, you are released in the freedom of being. Your actions are an overflow of who you are in Christ.

You are no longer under the supervision of the law, as though you are a doing machine. You should realize your freedom of being a son(Gal 4:1-4)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Steadfast Love or sacrifice Part 2


Hosea 6:6”for I desire steadfast Love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings”

God is love and his love has met the greatest need of man. We have seen that God does not desire sacrifice but steadfast love.
Yet God made his son our scapegoat. Christ became for us our substitute by taking upon himself our sins and us being imputed righteousness. It’s an exchange worth all our fathom, all our imagination.
To think of how the son of God has equally represented mankind in himself is of the greatest bliss to be apprehended by the soul. The greatest sacrifice therefore is what God himself did and he did it once and for all through his son.
Heb 1:3,,,,, after making the purification for sins he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high,
God desires steadfast Love and you and I are the object of his love. God did all that he could do to capture his love moment for us.
Col 2:13-14 and you who were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircurmcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him having forgiven us all our trespasses, By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands, this he set aside by nailing it to the cross.
What’s therefore to prove again? What a fate that awaits us? Man is no longer left at the expense of having to perform to be forgiven but on the contrary he is the beneficiary of the greatest love gift to have ever existed.
The plea of God still stands today. God desires steadfast love and not sacrifice. We have heard so much of the preaching that tells us that God will bless us depending on how well we offer ourselves, how much we sacrifice our time, our money, our life. If there is a reason Why God will bless us its only because he desires to do so and he has blessed us with every spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus (eph 1:3)

sacrifices or steadfast love; which one do you take ?

If there is any sacrifice that has completely pleased God; it’s that which he himself offered. He did not withdraw his son from us but he willingly gave us Christ.
Rom 8:32” He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? 33 Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies
The same grace that saved us also avails for us everything we need for life. Where did believers ever get the notion that its up to their effort again to deserve God’s blessings? Good news, blessings are freely given no longer about your sacrifice.
In view of God’s mercies, we therefore offer our bodies as a living sacrifice wholly acceptable to God. Rom 12:1. A common scripture yet commonly misconstrued to mean that believers should sacrifice their bodies to God. Sacrifice their time to God, your money to God, no! what Paul is saying is in view of God’s mercies we are offering ourselves as living sacrifices fully accepted before God, We in short appear before God as ones accepted before Christ. In reality it was Christ’s sacrifice which is acceptable before God and we are in Christ and therefore are accepted in him.

 Jesus did a perfect job in representing us, redeeming us and reconciling us back to God. It’s of God lest any man should boast.

In view of Gods mercies therefore we respond to his provision and we now offer our faculties to experience the complete transformation in Christ. If now you are to go out of your way to do something good, its not to hoodwink God to bless you but in a glorious response to his working in Christ. We give ourselves to work of God, we lay our lives for other people because of what God has done. Its an effortless manifestation of the life of God in us.
Rest therefore in the perfect sacrifice God gave for you, Christ is the living sacrifice living in you. A receipt that guarantees once and for all that you are eternally loved of God. There is no love gift greater than what God has given, lets enjoy and be a blessing to the world.

Hope for the tree that has been cut down.

  Job.14.7 "If a tree is cut down, there is hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches. (NLT Job.14.8 Though its roots have g...