origin: part 1
The revelation of the divine logic of God is unveiled by his
introduction in the scriptures; In the beginning God.
He is not explained or defined but he is introduced as the
perfect I am. God is the prerogative of definition for a lack of a better
explanation. All the attempt of defining God by Human being has proven futile.
His origin and Genesis is too much profound to be confined in pages of writing.
Our God is our father and is transcendent over the works of
creation. He exists apart from creation, away from time. It’s an honor that he
enters into time and reveals his unveiled logic to us for our bliss and for our
The bliss that is ours though is that we began in god.
1st peter 1:3”blessed be God the father and our Lord Jesus
Christ who according to his mercy has begotten us into a new and living hope.”
Apostle Peter unveils the logic through the revelation of
the spirit for our bliss. It’s an introduction that resembles the one in
Genesis where God breaths his ruwach
(wind, spirit), his life in Adam and Adam became a living soul and he
became the father of human race bearing the image and the likeness of God as
the origin of the human race.
We were given birth by truth. God is truth. James 1:18 and
he caused us to be birthed by truth Am talking about a definition that existed
before Adam fr God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world. Eph
Humanity is the harvest of God. When God created man he said
he is very good. He did not say that when he created the heavens and the earth
and the firmaments and the waters. He saw his harvest in his image and likeness
in Man and he saw that harvest was very good.
Elsewhere the psalmist declares that the heavens cannot
contain the glory of God but I want to declare to you that today there is one
address that can contain his glory and that is not the heavens or the universe
but human hearts. He calls us his own and our bodies are the temple of the Holy
Jesus came to redeems back to God again. He came to reveal t
us the integrity of the image and likeness of God in us which was stolen by the
enemy. He came o redeem us back to our originator God himself.
thief never takes ownership
The thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy. That is the
only agenda the enemy the devil has. We know that a thief can never have
ownership no matter what and how long he has stolen any property.
Its demonstrated right from the Garden of Eden, the enemies
plot was too steal Adam and eve of their innocence, to kill anything in them
that exhibits the life f God and to finally annihilate mankind from existence.
God is greater than Satan though as we see in the Garden of
Eden the proclamation of the gospel which reveals the logic of God. When man
fell in the garden f Eden
contrary to what we have heard and believed; that God cased man out of the
Garden of Eden did something. God saw something that belongs to him and
orchestrated a plan of redeeming man back to himself.
The story of what happened after the fall is a story of
grace and mercy.
The thief never takes ownership. The earth is Lord’s and its
fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). The earth and all that’s in it belongs to God.
The devil does not have credit has we have imputed in his account. The
counterfeit is only there because of the reality which has been there from the
God saw what belonged to him and designed a plan of having
it back and in the fullness of time Christ was manifested to redeem us back to
harvest of sin and death;
The origin of sin and death was the disobedience of one man
Adam. Rom 5:12-17
Rom 5:12when Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought
death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Nlt
One man single handedly caused us
to inherit the nature of sin and death. Sin and death was the harvest that
proceeded from Adam to all humanity.
The engine of sin is self-obsession rather than a desire to
reject God as demonstrated in the garden.
Self-obsession creates mistrust and disbelief in the
goodness of God. Gen 3.
Gen 3:5 "God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you
eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil."
The feeling that ignites the extra urge to do something more
to become like God, move closer to God, make God more happy is no more than the
lie that was evident in the garden of Eden.
Self-obsession creates fear in us which causes us to doubt
the goodness of God. This in turn strips us of our identity and the confidence
we have in God that he perfectly loves us. God has installed in us his being;
his image and likeness. Religion tries to give you the prerogative of finding
your own destiny by your own strength.
Many believers complain of not having enough faith, not
being powerful enough, prayerful enough, not being committed to God enough,
what is the bone of contention here? Its religion that has succeeded in making
people focus on themselves rather than in God.
I believe the major reason is because they are not looking
unto Jesus who is the author and the perfector of their faith. Many believers
are not looking unto Jesus as they princely leader of their faith. Somewhere
the faith that had its genesis with Christ has been replaced by self-effort and
legalistic righteousness. What began as faith and reliance solely in the
sufficiency of Christ climaxes with a list of to do’s. A relationship which is
based on what you do we all know that it doesn’t last. If your relationship
with Christ turns out be the one that is dependent on what you can do, how you
can prove your allegiance, how you can pray more for God to hear you, then your
joy and sufficiency in Christ has been severed completely. Its not about what
you can do but on what he can do and does in you.
Many believers are therefore scavenging in the squabbles of
self. Self-improvement program, self enhancement mechanism that by no means are
connected to the sufficiency we have in Christ. Our churches are filled with
activities that sorry to say so do not hold fast to the head. They are not
drawing or adhering to the singularity of the cross of Christ.
What happened to the sufficiency that is ours in Christ?
What happened to riches of the inheritance that is ours in Christ? If we are
not drawing from the harvest of the cross we are drawing from another harvest.
The harvest of sin and death which is empowered by the law.
It’s clear that self-obsession is no different than the
natural principles of this world which is not a process to death but death. To
seek to be justified by the law is to be alienated from Christ. Gal 5:4
God’s unveiled logic is that you may live by him as his
harvest. God wants to live and operate in you and by you. God is your origin
and he is the logic behind existence. He is the genius and the explanation of
you and your existence. In Christ the logic of God is unveiled before our very
own eyes.
Paul’s preaching always directed people to the sufficiency
of Christ which is the singular claim of the gospel. In Christ is the manifold
wisdom of God, In him is found that which was from the beginning; the word, the
origin the genesis and we have him today. Christ in you the hope of glory