Hosea 6:6”for I desire steadfast Love and not
sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings”
God is love
and his love has met the greatest need of man. We have seen that God does not
desire sacrifice but steadfast love.
Yet God
made his son our scapegoat. Christ became for us our substitute by taking upon
himself our sins and us being imputed righteousness. It’s an exchange worth all
our fathom, all our imagination.

Heb 1:3,,,,, after making the purification for
sins he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high,
God desires
steadfast Love and you and I are the object of his love. God did all that he
could do to capture his love moment for us.
Col 2:13-14 and you
who were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircurmcision of your flesh, God
made alive together with him having forgiven us all our trespasses, By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands,
this he set aside by nailing it to the cross.
therefore to prove again? What a fate that awaits us? Man is no longer left at
the expense of having to perform to be forgiven but on the contrary he is the
beneficiary of the greatest love gift to have ever existed.
The plea of
God still stands today. God desires steadfast love and not sacrifice. We have
heard so much of the preaching that tells us that God will bless us depending
on how well we offer ourselves, how much we sacrifice our time, our money, our
life. If there is a reason Why God will bless us its only because he desires to
do so and he has blessed us with every spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus (eph
sacrifices or steadfast love; which one do you take ?
sacrifices or steadfast love; which one do you take ?
If there is
any sacrifice that has completely pleased God; it’s that which he himself
offered. He did not withdraw his son from us but he willingly gave us Christ.
Rom 8:32” He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not
also with him graciously give us all things? 33 Who shall bring
any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies”
The same grace that saved us also avails for us
everything we need for life. Where did believers ever get the notion that its up
to their effort again to deserve God’s blessings? Good news, blessings are
freely given no longer about your sacrifice.
In view of God’s mercies, we therefore offer
our bodies as a living sacrifice wholly acceptable to God. Rom 12:1. A common
scripture yet commonly misconstrued to mean that believers should sacrifice
their bodies to God. Sacrifice their time to God, your money to God, no! what
Paul is saying is in view of God’s mercies we are offering ourselves as living
sacrifices fully accepted before God, We in short appear before God as ones
accepted before Christ. In reality it was Christ’s sacrifice which is
acceptable before God and we are in Christ and therefore are accepted in him.
Jesus did a perfect job in representing us,
redeeming us and reconciling us back to God. It’s of God lest any man should
In view of
Gods mercies therefore we respond to his provision and we now offer our
faculties to experience the complete transformation in Christ. If now you are
to go out of your way to do something good, its not to hoodwink God to bless
you but in a glorious response to his working in Christ. We give ourselves to
work of God, we lay our lives for other people because of what God has done.
Its an effortless manifestation of the life of God in us.
Rest therefore
in the perfect sacrifice God gave for you, Christ is the living sacrifice
living in you. A receipt that guarantees once and for all that you are eternally
loved of God. There is no love gift greater than what God has given, lets enjoy
and be a blessing to the world.