Tuesday, 24 July 2012

God said, part 1

Gen 1:3-4 and God said” let there be light and there was light”. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated light from darkness

The word of God is the logic of God. “In the beginning there was the word nd the word was with God and the word was God.” John testifies.
The word of God created the universe e and everything that was not was called into existence by his word which is his logos, logic.

In order to understand the weight of this logos the psalmist says that The lord has placed his word above his name. The basis of the greatness of God is not merely in his name but in his logic. The logic of God is calling things from nothingness to existence.

And so God said let there be light and light came and God saw that the light was good, so good that it was separated from darkness.
It’s as if light spewed from the mouth of the almighty father of creation, there was no distance, delay or any effort, the word, logos has its power to execute its divine command yet the word is not less than God neither does it result in something that is less than God.

The amazing mouth gazing events continued to unfold in genesis 1 as things were called from nothing to existence and God saw that the results of his logos was good. This makes us appreciate prophet who said that the Word of the Lord doesn’t come back to him void, it resounds back with fullness.

The climax of these events is when God formed man out of dust and breathed his spirit inside of him. God was so enthralled to see his image and likeness reflected in man. His dream was that his image and likeness would be realized in a glorious creation known as man and that man and God would become active partakers of this divine nature.
2nd peter 1:3”his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.”

The dream of God was that man would come face to face with deity and co dominate with God. By this association man is to draw his essence of living from God. We were created and were God enabled.

Why is it important that God said?

Many believers believe that we ought to believe in the report of the Lord. While we are quick to affirm that we are not what the world says we are what our situations say we are what our past says we are? Many believers are not acquainted with the divine logic of God, we are unstable in life because we have over time formed a contrary opinion of God. What God has said of us has been usurped by religion to be a means of earning ourselves back to God.

Many of us quote what the bible says but we are not acquainted with what God is saying and has said to us. The truth of the matter is that what God has said
Will remain sure forever. It cannot be improved by man’s performance neither is it activated by man’s spiritual prowess. The word, the logos, the ‘has said ‘is as sure as it has ever been.
We have to realize that as sure as the word of God is in eternity, its alive and active in us.In Christ is the realization of the same God who said let there be,,, and today he has said that let there be life in you, let there be righteousness in you,, let there be peace in you,

2nd cor 4:6 For God who said let light shine out of darkness has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Stay put for the second part, how can we know what God says? What he has said

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