Unrest the havoc of the church
Unrest once you step inside its doors
What has washed away our sins ?
but unrest steals the show
this is the tragedy of the body of Christ, one writer called it the daisy petal Christianity. He loves me, he loves me not. When i feel Good about God because i have enforced a mood of worship God's presence is here. When i pass through dry moments God is far away.
this is the tragedy i see it as wide spread as the canopy of the rain forest in central africa. Believers all over immensely engaged in intense spiritual activities; praying without ceasing, devoting themselves to the Lord, tithing and so on and so forth. The problem though is that this God is percieved as a long distance God and the terms of our relationship with him is deemed to be a long distance relationship where this God who once promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us has soon gone AWOL.(absent without official leave) and Christians are in undated therefore to bring his presence down.
The worst part of this tragedy is still that many believers out there still know of a God who is about to cast them out of his presence. Sunday to Sunday this God who you meet immediately you step inside the doors of your church demands obedience and devotion, without which you are doomed and wretched. The manner of disparity happening every Sunday in many pulpit is to present an ever demanding God on one side and an ever increasingly sin conscious believers on the other side waiting for an angry God to unleash his rod. Many people are not aware of what God says about them. The message of the cross is not central, we may mention it by our lips but its not the central proponent that propels believers to live their daily lives.
in the midst of this tragedy, there has increasingly grown a people tired of the norms, tired of traditions of men, tired of philosophies that has long crept in the pure unadulterated message of the cross. I see it widespread in church and the social medias. The souls of men crying out to the pure unadulterated gospel, the bliss of being in Christ. This frustration has been fueled by the truth that religion has failed. It has failed to give people freedom, it has failed to unveil the person and the glory of God in the face of christ. many believers are living in fear; in fear of a God who is unpredictable, we know by our lips about his great faithfulness but in our hearts we have furnished our spiritual acts, putting our acts together because we know of his wrath against sin.Many more believers are living in the cringes of few scripture texts drawn out of context and which have caused them to live in fear
so this tragedy called churchianity / religion has succesively born slaves. But these slaves are breaking free. i can hear the roars ""all we want is Christ and him crucified" but who is there unveil the gospel that ushers people to the unforced rythms of grace? Where is the gospel that delares the righteousness of God apart from the works of the law ? yes we are the uncontainable generation, we refuse to be bogged down by religion; by a rigid lifestyle that chokes up the integrity and the glory of Christ. Where is the gospel that calls all to repentance ? not repentance of the Old Testament, that of wailing and ululations, but a call that comes from the heart of the father who embrces people with unforced rythms of grace; even Eugene Peterson got this understanding when he wrote this portion in the message Bible
mat 11:28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. 29 Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."(the message
all over the world the roars continue and people are awakened to the gospel that presents them before God with a clear conscience, the same way Paul proclaimed with all breath that he through his preaching presents men before the very conscience of God.
This is my creed,all in you blessed centre
This is the decree,all in you blessed pleasure
That our joy employin you
and no other as our creed-(kevin kainos )the world awaits in groan for the manifestation of the sons of God, sons who reflect and outburst the glory of God in the face of jesus christ. Its not going to happen by power or might but by the spirit of God. yes by the spirit energizing itself in us as we see and behold Christ in our everyday experience
its not going to happen by arguement that rests on wisdom of men or by theological debates rather by a raw look into the face of Christ and as in a mirror begin to see the glory of Christ reflecting on us and in us.This is what i call Faith working through love.
Faith working through love.
Its going to happen by seeing ourselves embraced by the father who has invited us into his own fellowship; the fellowship of the father and the son. (1stJohn 1:3). Yes when we are fully satisfied with only what the cross reports about what it has accomplished for us in Christ .
Lets take joy in the singularity of the gospel that reveals Christ and him crucified. That our joy may employ in him and no other as our creed.
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