Thursday, 28 August 2014
dead unto sin and alive unto God part 2
in my last post, we saw what to be dead to sin really means.
We saw from romans 6:7 that he who is dead has been freed from sin.
Vs 8 if we really believe that we died with christ, we must believe that we will also
Live by him and through him.
Apostle paul urges us to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive unto God.
In this post, we are going to address what really being alive unto God means.
Romans 6:11 even so consinder yourselves dead to sin, and your relationship
From it broken, but alive to God(living
In unbroken fellowship with him)
In christ jesus
I have found numerous people and believers who struggle with sin, guilt and a consciousness to having fallen short.
Condemnation is what the enemy likes us to dwell in.
He did this to Adam and eve and he does this to date. He is always a deciever, accuser of brethren.
When Paul is writing this i believe he is not talking about sinlessness.
How many times have we believed
That being alive unto God means
Being without sin? Sin in this case evil deeds.
Adam and Eve were without sin before the fall but were really not alive unto God, they were just living souls.
The scriptures say that the first Adam was a living soul but the last adam, christ was a life giving spirit. 1st cor 15:46-47
Adam and eve didn't really grasp who they were and thats why they were dcieved by the serpent.
Well being alive unto God means that we are aware that welive by his spirit or rather he lives in us by the person of his spirit.
When we know that we will be strengthened to live a victorious life.
When you find yourself in some sort of sin
N:B sin as mentioned in romans and in most parts of NT is a noun, from the root word Harmatia which means a nature of sin. In this case sinning verb paul referred to it as acts of the flesh, sarx sinful nature.
For a believer you have been severed from sinful nature. Sin is an outside entity trying to entice you to give in to it.
This makes so much difference for u as a believer who has received the free gift of righteousness that comes by grace.
You should reckon yourselves free from sin, severed anbroken from it amd alive unto God.
If you are struggling with sin/acts of the flesh, stop focusing on the sin and focus on christ. He is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and always give that's and praise to him who saved you and redeemed your soul.
Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, thus far he has removes transgression from us.
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