He is our God. He created
us by his design. Of his breath we are.

The spirit which he breathed in us in creation and
we became living souls finds its fulfillment in the spirit of Christ
regenerated in us. We are resonating God. He created us to resound him.
Yes we have received the spirit of love power and
of sound mind. He is our father and there is an African saying that goes ‘mtoto
wa nyoka ni nyoka’ an offspring of a snake is surely a snake.
We have been born of God; conceived of God. We know
this when we receive the gospel by faith. To
them who received him and yet those who believed in his name he gave them the
right to become the sons of God. (John 1:12) You see Jesus didn’t come to
bring or to pioneer a new movement called Christianity or a group of moral
perfectionists. He came to reveal our identity; that we came from God, that we
are the God kind, first to the Jews and by extension the whole mankind. He
tells Nicodemus “we speak of our testimony but you people don’t believe our
testimony”(John 3:11)
He came and mended the walls of hostility that
stood between us and God. We thought we were enemies with God but he came and
reconciled us to God by his physical body. Jesus tells Nicodemus , we have a testimony, this is our testimony but you don't believe our testimony. Many of us have been introduced to
God the headmaster and not God the father of our lord Jesus Christ who is also
our father. He is a father full of love. The story of the prodigal son is not
so much about the son but so much about the loving father who is waiting to receive
us back to his fold. He is our father , the great evangelist who doesn’t wait
for us to make repentance speeches but he runs towards us and hugs and kisses
our dirt away.
You may see yourself as the worst sinner, a mass of
corruption and full of sin consciousness; that doesn’t matter. Love has no
competition. No amount of sin offers enough competition to the breathtaking
recovery love brings; the Love of the father for where sin abounds grace much more super abounds.
John the Baptist
preached to the people to repent for the kingdom of God
is at hand. The long awaited messiah was at the proximity. The kingdom of God which was thought to be as far as
possible is now at hand. It is reachable.
The message bible puts it well that the word of God
was made flesh and came into our neighborhood
John 1:14the Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the
neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like
Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish. (Message)
This is what God wants you to see in him, a true
and a generous father. He is not about to play dice with you. He is moved with
all generosity of love towards you. You may have heard of an Angry God, of judgment
and fire. God may have been misrepresented and you may be confused of who God
is. The summary is this; our Abba father is love. His love is greater than
wrath. And God's love casts out every fear. In his justice we do see love for he gathered the entire wrath and he
consumed it all in himself through his son at the cross.
I don’t know which God you know today; for many
know of a God who is not the Lord and the father of our lord Jesus Christ. He
is your father, he loves you. In tmy last post I wrote that faith working
through love is only possible for them that have all their eggs in one basket.
Our one basket is Jesus. He is the only life we know and have. We are not
insecure or anxious. What if the only knowledge you had today in the whole
world today is that you were loved? Would such knowledge be enough to be your
life? Would such knowledge be in great danger, that if you knew God as love you
would continue sinning and dishonor him? Would you love a father who is about
to chase you away on account of your sins as religion puts it only to reach to
you when you are out there and miserable?
Off course Not! If we as parents cannot deny our
little ones love how much do you think God loves us? Is little? Is it only if
we accept him? Does he love us to the extent that we can obey him and he may
somehow withdraw his spirit from us when we don’t have enough obedience points?
No Great is his faithfulness. When we are faithless he remains faithful. His
faithfulness is the guarantee of love. We love because he first loved us.