For God chose us (associated us)in Christ before the creation of the world
that we should be holy and blameless. God chose us and associated us in his
family. We are not of our own. We have a father who is the genesis of our
It’s a tragedy that many believers have not fully grasped
that they belong to the family of God. The tragedy which has been amplified by
religion is to live a Christian life as orphans. The zeal and passion
exemplified by religion is as a moral guess work to please a God who is far away
in heaven and may expel his people any time if these people don’t please him
It’s a frustrating venture to worship a God who you don’t
know his next move. A relationship motivated by fear and suspicion will never
go far. Even if we are religiously inclined and as pious as possible, if we
simply don’t grasp the heart of the father, we are as the elder brother who
would rather earn his son ship than to just simply belong. The reality that
persuades us that we belong to God simply catapults us towards God. It’s the
heritage afforded to each humankind since we have been created in the image and
likeness of God.
Jesus said that his body is real food and his blood is true
drink yet many believers are deprived not infinitely grasping the consequence
of being found in the body of Christ, the de la cream of the heart of God.
Beloved what a manner of love the father has bestowed upon
us that we should be called the children of God and that’s who we are ; 1st
John 3:1-2. But the children of God are squabbling in trash and yet they are
sons of the king.
How I pray that they eyes of our hearts be enlightened t see
the hope to which we have been called, the inheritance that is ours in the
saints; eph 1:18-19. Oh that we may grasp that our lives are hidden with Christ
in God, right there at the centre where we received our atonement. That we may
comprehend that we are of the body of Christ, of his fullness we have received
grace upon grace. We are in him and his fullness has been emptied in us.
Enough of water melon Christianity. He loves me, he loves me
not. I am forgiven, am not forgiven unless I repent. Many Christians are caught
up in a shambolic schizophrenic Christianity. When God blesses me, he loves me,
when I don’t see any signs of blessings, he doesn’t love me. Many know God as
their father, he will never leave them, but when they have not prayed enough or
read the bible enough then God will depart from them.
How can we call God our father and then immediately we pray
like David that he will not cast us away from his presence? How many revival
meetings have been prepared to ask God to come back to us. Why do we battle
with the thought that God is about to spew us from his presence because we have
failed to honor our performance contracts whereas God himself promised that in
this new dispensation he will never hide his face from us. Jesus himself
testified that e ill never be left as orphans.
When we don’t understand that we are of the body of Christ,
we are in him, we will ask God to do things he has already done. The church
today is full of activity but unfortunately many people don’t know that they
are sons of God and hence derive joy and satisfaction f knowing that you belong
in the family of God. It’s a pity that today’s average Christianity ushers
believers to the door and not inside the house here the party is happening. We
seem to be intrigued by the window shopping aspect. We seem to stare at God’s
promises as in a window. We are in awe with what our redeemed lives offer us
but immediately create distance and we are plugged back to works and hope some
day we will experience full adoption as sons.
As a result of fully inculcating the “door step”
Christianity, many believers console themselves with isolated scriptures like
one day tears will be wiped from our eyes or Jesus has gone up in heaven to
prepare a place for us, mansions in which we will leave and where will be
finally free from corruption. While so much expectation is placed I futuristic
events, many believers are missing out on the present. The present lives that
is theirs in Christ Jesus.
Many believers are yet to be enlightened on the full
consequences of the redemption. Wonderful truths like there is therefore now no
condemnation for those who are in Christ; therefore those who are in Christ
have become new creation, the old is gone and behold all has become new, these
wonderful realities have escaped the core of Christianity and are otherwise
viewed as conditional clauses rather than being used to release believers in
the union they have in and with Christ.
We have been
crucified with Christ and the life e live in the body e live as a consequence
of our union with Christ.
Let’s have fun together as e explore the mystical union we
have with God and in God. Let’s investigate the integrity of image and likeness
and the value of mankind redeemed in Christ. Lets break free from religion and
traditions of men which urges us to earn our way up to God.
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