What if the vine and the
branch are one?

Enough of door step
Christianity; we have not been called to taste the wonderful things God has for
us as if from a distance. We have a consequence of living in union with Christ
because of the wonderful operation Christ did at the cross.
Many believers have pushed
their full consequence of their union with Christ forward to a future date and
have missed out on the present awareness of the fullness that is theirs in Christ
Jesus was quick to bring
these disciples up to page with what he was going to do at the cross. It began
in the previous chapter when the disciples pushed the events forward, show us
the father then it will suffice us, John 14:8. This is fter he narrated to them
that I am the way the truth and the life.
What if Jesus is the
shortcut of the many ways we have devised to reach to the father? You know what
I mean when people are in undated to stand in the gap for nations, when people think
that without our necessary spirit the Lord will not visit his people.
Where did believers derive
this notion that we have to roll up our spiritual sleeves to pray, devote ourselves
to pull down the spirit from the heavens?
What if the vine and the
branch became one? And the only way we treat ourselves is in the context of ‘in
Christ’. I am
the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every
branch in me,,,,,,,,,,
are a branch in Christ. When we see a branch we know it as a tree, when we see
a leaf we see the bigger picture of the tree. Stop seeing yourself as a branch
which is struggling to plunge itself inside the vine. Jesus defines you as a
branch in him. You are not striving yourself into Christ neither are you inside
the vine more and more. You are in Christ fitted perfectly. There is a
difference with you becoming aware more and more and more how you are in Christ
and the once and for all operation Christ accomplished in the cross.
responsibly of the branch of any tree to bear fruit comes from the vine. Yu are
untied with Christ. What we are learning is hat our mystical union opens our
eyes to behold God’s energy working in us to bear fruit. For God is at work in
us to will and to act according to his good purpose; phil2:12-13.
serves us with a washing until we are clean indeed. This therefore means that
we are not orphans who live by self effort. We are united with Christ and from
him we derive maximum spirituality. The branch and the vine is now one.
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in
me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for
apart from me you can do nothing
We are in Christ, we are
connected mystically to the vine ; we are drawing nutrients from the
everlasting source. Whatever is of Christ is passed to us. We are invited into
the fellowship of the father and of the son; this is what union means.
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