in part 1, In the conclusion, we saw how Jesus was
moved and is still is compassionate in reaching out and making us whole.
asked important questions in part 1. What moves you to do what you do? Are you
even just what you do, are you a doctor, teacher, banker, teacher etc. because
that's what you do every day or there is a greater force driving you?
see today now in the light of Christ what should move us now that we are Christ
ambassadors in the world.
2nd Cor 5:14 So from now on we
recognize no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Messiah
according to the flesh, yet now we no longer know Him this way.
1 We should be moved by pro
activeness (We judge no man by outside appearance)
Have you ever been in a space where people perceived, treated,
talked wrongly about you based on a wrong information about you?
Recently I was on a mission trip with a group of young people
and I was the captain for day one. A great bunch was new to me and so as I was
giving directives for getting things ready for the trip, some two gentlemen
concluded " He is a real tough and mean guy" (the gentlemen told me
later after we had bonded.) they judged by my outward appearance and the brief
interaction we had at the beginning.
Apostle Paul says that because we are moved by Gods love,
we recognize no one according to the flesh
2. We should be moved by proactive listening. Be
slow to act and quick to listen.
And ooh my How my spontaneous, impulsive side of me
arrives unannounced in a heated conversation especially when in company of good
friends. My listening skills tend to sweep itself under the carpet. Off
course I am a work in progress for I am not where I used to be five years
1:19 Know
this, my dear brothers and sisters: let every person be quick to listen, slow
to speak, and slow to anger[f]
Any serious life coach will tell you
that listening skills is one of the most important skills to have in
cultivating interpersonal skills.
3.we should moved
by knowing people for who they really are.
Apostle Paul highlights that there was
a way I which they knew Jesus according to the flesh but no longer regard him
in that light. Its amazing how you can converse with someone, be even living
with someone for months even years yet have no idea what that person really is.
When we pay little more attention to people, we are likely to dig in a gen and realize
how precious they are, and Yes, I know some people can be quite handful. It’s a
choice we have to make each da to wear different set of lenses when studying, analyzing,
interacting and socializing with different kinds of people. God will always
give our wisdom of dealing with different kinds of people. I think we set walls
for ourselves to soon in our interaction with people, we block ostracize, segregate,
judge people because of the conclusions we already have drawn about them.
Well I hope I have attempted to squeeze
in some juice today, my conclusion will be simple. God is moved with compassion
and love towards you, in your dealings with people extend the same. The power
is within. God is not trying to place you in a pedestal of trying to please
everyone. That’s an impossible task for even after the Israelites were impressed
with Gods amazing miraculous signs for generations, they still rebelled against
Stay blessed as you are moved in his rhythm
of grace today and tomorrow.
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