The father hood of
God: Demystifying Fatherhood.

I have found out that in the midst a morality crisis in
my country (Kenya) that threatens to spiral out of control is an alarming
statistic. I read in an article b the daily newspaper , the leading newspaper
in Kenya prior to this year’s father’s day celebration that only 20% of a sample
of 3000 indicated that they enjoyed their relationship with their earthly
fathers, the rest either said that their
fathers were missing, dead, or alive but absent in their lives, in other words alive but missing in action[1].
This speaks of Fatherhood crisis. How do the 80 percent
navigate through the turbulent teenage years and into adulthood? I believe the
agenda of the enemy still stands strong; to steal ,kill and to destroy and he is
seeking to destroy a whole generation by destroying something fundamental to
their bringing up, fragmenting homes and destroying fathers and father figures.
But also, God is our father and our earthly fathers are to
picture our perfect heavenly father. There is how God set it up for us to
emulate and follow, when we forget, disregard,or are not aware of how this system
works, we experience fragmentation and breakdown of families and societies and eventually a whole generation.
If you fall in the category of the 80% above don’t worry,
you are not alone, I fit in right there in (Ndaani ndaani ndaani)and I can attest its turbulent to
manouvre this life if we don’t understand this concept. Fatherhood is central to our identity because fathers primarily give us our identity. I am not an expert who
has maneuvered this road, I am a learner and what I believe is that when we
understand and Know God as our father; whether we have had earthly fathers or
not then almost all of our life’s major issues have already been solved.
Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed
upon us that we should be called the children of God, and such we are. For this
cause the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. (1st John
3:1 American standard version)
In part 2, we delve deeper into the aspect of Gods
fatherhood, we will find out that he is our source and identity. We will also
try to meet the two, the fatherhood of God and the crisis of our earthly
Stay put!
(Date accessed 23rd oct 2019)
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